RoBétArmé Project
"Human-robot collaborative construction system for shotcrete digitization and automation through advanced perception, cognition, mobility and additive manufacturing skills”
The Project
The RoBétArmé project aims toward a step-change in the Construction 4.0 by automating particularly laborious construction tasks in all phases of shotcrete application.
To this end RoBétArmé will deliver collaborative construction mobile manipulators, consisting of an:
- Inspection Reconnaissance manipulator (IRR) to address fast, high precision modelling and rebar reinforcement through metal additive manufacturing in the preparatory phase, and;
- A Shotcrete and Finishing mobile manipulator (SFR) to address autonomous shotcrete application and surface finishing during the construction and finishing phase, respectively.
RoBétArmé is a Research and Innovation Action (RIA) project, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon program and will have a duration of 42 months.

- Develop a cognitive robot platform that address the complete chain of shotcrete application for autonomous construction, maintenance, and monitoring activities of infrastructures.
- Develop an advanced high-precision and real-time infrastructure perception system through AI- enabled technologies and multimodal sensor fusion.
- Develop cognitive and adaptable human-robot collaboration control schemes for dexterous execution of construction and maintenance tasks.
- Release advanced modelling tools tailored to the Building and Construction Information Models for the fast and greener implementation of automated construction activities.
- Develop cognitive Digital Twin and simulation environments for construction monitoring, diagnostics, and orchestration activities.
- Commercialization and exploitation in application cases with economic impact in European construction industry.